Nutri-Culture, our French partner, is… 


  • A multiprofessional team that has based its approach on a global and shared expertise, several times awarded as a social, technical, citizen and sustainable vision of support.
  • A Citizen Network, based on actors sensitive to social and environmental issues and sharing values, techniques for individual and collective responsibility.

Since 2018, Nutri-Culture is registered in the field of Social & Solidarity Economy (ESS).

Nutri-Culture wishes to consider each project by thinking about relevance and coherence of the social, environmental or economic dimensions. The goal is that equity integrates, in addition to the sustainability of the action, a real intention that the project be VIABLE for all: towards ethical reflection and sustainable choices.

A philosophy: consider ecology far beyond recycling to reduce our daily footprints and environmental impacts by adapting our orders, portions, gestures, postures, communications …

All members of the team met while looking for an activity that would allow them to work in line with their values.


Documentary Database 

Côte de porc, petits pois avec Easy-Base, purée de carottes

Nutri-Culture has built a solid documentary base, a work in which we took part, after having experimented its global approach on 3 million meals served in the world, conforming to the nomenclatures in force. 

To promote the pleasures at the table and promote the fight against undernutrition, we have broken down all cooking techniques in order to get to a logic allowing both to guide a caregiver at home but also to perfect the technical knowledge of an expert Chef serving several hundreds meals a day.

The Nutri-Culture approach is part of a logic of social responsibility of institutions, of reducing all waste, of valuing skills, of simplifying professional expertise to adapt them to the realities of home carers.

We have met many homes in which there is little or no cooking equipment.

We met a lot of caregivers helpless in the face of the stakes of the meal of people suffering from cumulated disorders.

It is for this reason that we have chosen, through this documentary base, to:

  • facilitate understanding of identification, grasping, chewing and swallowing disorders,
  • explain the cooking or reheating of meat, fish, vegetables or vegetables to make them eatable whatever the abilities of the person, and limit the systematic use of modified textures,
  • teach the cooking (with recipes and tutorials) with a kettle, a microwave etc.
  • give access to all for the realisation of sauces minutes, enriched deserts with homemade ingredients etc…
Who is it for? 

Tomates jaunes avec Easy-Base

Whether you are a professional caregiver or a home-based caregiver, whether you represent an institution or a company, Nutri-Culture provides you with a complete database of precise and useful tools (identification of disorders, help with the prescription, production of adapted dishes), fact sheets, tutorials, interviews of specialists, recipes, to effectively fight against wastes (food, technical, human, managerial) and to optimize all the means for more coherence and relevance. The savings made on curative expenses, very expensive, costs related to falls, hospitalizations, treatment of bedsores, purchases of oral nutritional supplements …, can be reallocated in a preventive dimension (training of the staff, recruitment, purchase of foodstuffs of better quality ).

You too, subscribe now to our database on and participate, with us, in the promotion of pleasure at the table, at any age, whatever its faculties.

For a demonstration in pictures, click on the link of our presentation video

Tomates modifiées avec Easy-Base